Mackenzie Highway Network
The Mackenzie Highway Network is a combination Voice and APRS VHF amateur radio network that covers Alberta’s Peace River country.
Currently we have a voice repeaters located in Peace River, Berwyn, and Chinook Valley. The Mackenzie Highway Network has a full time link to the VE6OL repeater which is linked to several other repeaters that the Peace Country Amateur Radio Club supports.
We operate IRLP Node 1450 which is accessible via the network.
Chinook Valley (North of Peace River) VE6PRR 146.82 Mhz -600 Khz offset
Peace River VE6AAA 145.49 Mhz -600Khz offset
Berwyn VE6AAF 146.79 Mhz -600 Khz offset CTCSS 100.0 Hz
The APRS side of the network currently consists of three WIDEN-n / ABN-n digipeaters, and a IGATE which is located in Grimshaw.